KITS home Karlberg Information Technology Studios K.I.T.S. digial masters
DVD authoring
MPEG mastering
Post production
Project management
DVD duplication

MPEG mastering.
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We encode almost all video formats to MPEG för DVD, Broadcast (DVB), streaming and archives (4:2:0 och 4:2:2). Our goal is to preserve full resolution, interlace and correct motin. Perfect pans and crisp detail. With a result that you may blow up on large flat screens or with a projector for exhibitions and seminars.

An important part of our encoding is quality control. During encoding from one format to another, we watch both the source and the resulting stream. No material is encoded unattended.

KITS player stack #2

KITS media flow

We accept files directly from your editing via hard disk, memory card or via ftp. Also, tape is still used a lot. We have players from Sony, Panasonic, JVC and others... We use real time encoders from Vela Research and Sonic Solution. If your signal needs to be processed before the encode, we use Time Base Correction, Noice Reduction, Drop Out Correction, Scan Convertion, etc. from SONY, FOR-A, MATRA (!) and others

Karlberg I.T. Studios
Le Pas du Rieu, 81260 Le Bez, France
Tél 05 63 73 34 00
Oui, on parle Français...

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